第85章 潜逃的天使(1/6)
“preient Yaa, there ha been aremely angerou figure eg from the eperimental bae retly. el maon ha intructe you to fin him. If you fin him, it ill be a creit. If you ot fin him, I believe you kno el maon'''' temper.(矢田社长,最近实验基地逃出去一个极度危险的人物,梅森上校指名要你去找,如果找到的话那就是功劳一件,如果找不到的话,梅森上校的脾气我想你是知道的。)”费尼特通过电话道。
“r. Fe, I''''m very buy. I''''m currently the preient of Shine an I on''''t have time to o thee thing.(费尼特博士,我很忙的,我现在是Shine的总裁,我根本就没有时间去做这些。)”矢田真武通过电话道。
“preient Yaa, I avie you to be more uaning. If it eren''''t for u, coul you it in the poition of preient Shine no? hy, no that e have achieve our ih, o you ant to kick u aay? the poition of preient Shine i mall, be careful not to rik your life.(矢田社长,我劝你最好还是放明白一些,如果不是我们,你现在能坐上Shine总裁这个位置吗?怎么,现在如愿以偿了就想一脚把我们踢开吗?Shine总裁的位置是小,小心小命不保。)”费尼特通过电话威胁道。
“r. Fe, I ha agree ith el maon that I oul provie him ith the eperimental boy, an he oul ehat I it a the preient of Shihe re