第84章 暴走(1/6)
就在这时,突然一名下属进来报告:“el maon, e have receive a call from the branch, an the eperimental ubject ho ecape from the branch ha been elimihe ecret of the branch ha not been leake.(梅森上校,我们得到分部的电话,从分部逃脱的那名实验体已被消灭,分部的秘密并未泄露。)”
“Great! Immeiately call ba tell them that if there are any more mitake, I ill make ure they on''''t ee the u ay!(太好了!立刻回电告诉他们,如果再出纰漏,我会让他们见不着第二天的太阳!)”梅森上校道。
“So, here i the progre of the puruit of Rebecca?(怎么样,追剿瑞贝卡的事情进行到哪一步了?)”梅森上校问道。
“Report to el maoracke Rebecca'''' hereabout a fe ay ago, but hen e caught up, he ha alreay run aay from u.(报告梅森上校,前两天我们追踪到瑞贝卡的行踪了,可是追过去的时候她已经先我们一步跑掉了。)”追剿瑞贝卡的下属通过电话向梅森上校回话。
“once Rebecca leave our trol, the equence ill be unimaginable! I on''''t o ay that you all kno her abilitie. She i a t