首页 > 武侠修真 > PowerandLove > 第5章 The Two Sides of Power

第5章 The Two Sides of Power(1/28)

好书推荐: 木叶:我在体内种神树 同时穿越万界的我,加入了聊天群 都市第一至尊 穿越之超级军阀 冠盖六宫 宗门内卷,师兄师姐都是主角模板 修仙勿扰!女配逆天改命中 遮天武神 碎玉逢尘 银河战争史略

TO EXPLAIN WHERE I have arrived in my understanding of power and love and social change, I have to explain how I started.

I grew up in Montreal and studied physics at McGill University. In the summer of 1981, as I was finishing my undergraduate degree, I attended a meeting of the Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affairs in Banff, Alberta, where I heard a speech about the crucial energy and environmental challenges arising out of the increasing complexity and fullness-of people and ideas and things-of the world. I decided to shift my studies from physical to social sciences, and I went on to do a graduate degree in economics and public policy at the University of California at Berkeley. After graduation, I worked at a variety of research institutions in North America, Europe, and Asia, and then in the corporate planning department of Pacific Gas and Electric Company in San Francisco.

My father had taught me the value of industriousness-of doing my job well, whatev


书页 目录
新书推荐: 长生蛊道:从自创水熊蛊开始 混沌川海 错嫁疯批老公后,我直接带球死遁 一不小心和竹马恋爱了 惊悚游戏:越作死竟然越强? 捡了个古代女侠为妻 高武:新婚第一天,奖励混沌神体 让你御兽,你叫灰太狼手搓机甲? 重生者太密集,真千金她不好惹 百老英雄儿女传