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第4章 Introduction: Beyond War and Peace(1/13)

好书推荐: 木叶:我在体内种神树 同时穿越万界的我,加入了聊天群 都市第一至尊 穿越之超级军阀 冠盖六宫 宗门内卷,师兄师姐都是主角模板 修仙勿扰!女配逆天改命中 遮天武神 碎玉逢尘 银河战争史略

OUR TWO MOST COMMON ways of trying to address our toughest social challenges are the extreme ones: aggressive war and submissive peace. Neither of these ways works. We can try, using our guns or money or votes, to push through what we want, regardless of what others want-but inevitably the others push back. Or we can try not to push anything on anyone-but that leaves our situation just as it is.

These extreme ways are extremely common, on all scales. One on one, we can be pushy or conflict averse. At work, we can be bossy or "go along to get along." In our communities, we can set things up so that they are the way we want them to be, or we can abdicate. In national affairs, we can make deals to get our way, or we can let others have their way. In international relations-whether the challenge is climate change or trade rules or peace in the Middle East-we can try to impose our solutions on everyone else, or we can negotiate endlessly. These extreme, common ways of trying to ad


书页 目录
新书推荐: 长生蛊道:从自创水熊蛊开始 混沌川海 错嫁疯批老公后,我直接带球死遁 一不小心和竹马恋爱了 惊悚游戏:越作死竟然越强? 捡了个古代女侠为妻 高武:新婚第一天,奖励混沌神体 让你御兽,你叫灰太狼手搓机甲? 重生者太密集,真千金她不好惹 百老英雄儿女传