第92章 海上Party(1/6)
“You gzhu, I helpe you etablih a foothol in the buine orl, but you avehoe ho ug me up. Are you going too far!(尤成竹,我帮你在商界立了足,你却恩将仇报挖我的人,你是不是太过分了!)”看到尤成竹,考非儿怒气冲冲的走过去道。
“Fengqing, i I ig you?(风晴,我挖你了吗?)”听考非儿这么说,尤成竹端着一杯红酒微笑着跟身边的日本女孩碰了一下杯道。
“No, it a me ho illingly jumpe over to talk to you.(没有啊,是我自己心甘情愿跳过来跟你的。)”叫风晴的日本女孩微笑道。
“i you hear me? I in''''t ig her, he kno ho to make choice. Feng qing jumpe over, I have no reaon not to accept it. Such a beautiful little beauty, I really !(听到了吗?我并没有挖她,是人家懂得取舍。风晴跳过来,我没理由不接受啊,这么漂亮的小美女,我真的好需要啊!)”顿了一下尤成竹继续道:“Kaofeier, I am very grateful for your help, but on''''t uimate other beier than you. my current poition i the reult of my on effort. hen you''''re ol, you have to face reality. hen you''''re ol, quit an on''''t get in the ay here.(考非儿,你帮了我我很感激你,但是,不要看不得别人比你好,我现