第86章 硬伤(5/7)
uch a hurry to aner me for no. You go ba think carefully. hen you think of it, jut let me kno.(先不用那么急着回答我,你先回去好好的想一想,什么时候想到了,通知我就行。)”男子道。
“hy are you helping me?(你为什么要帮我?)”贝拉问道。
“becaue I am alo like you, an abanone peron!(因为我也跟你一样,是个被抛弃的人!)”男子满怀仇恨的道。
“ho i it, mi bella? have you thought of it?(怎么样贝拉小姐,你想到了吗?)”男子问道。
“Sorry ir, thee pat fe ay I''''ve been thinking to the point here I ''''t even think of it. I''''ve really iappointe you.(不好意思先生,这几天我想破了脑袋也没能想到,真是让您失望了。)”贝拉倍感歉意道。
“Sihat'''' the cae, then e have to e har!(既然是这样,那就只好来硬的了!)”男子的脸上现出了凶狠的神色。
“Sir, hat o you ant to o?(先生,你想要怎么做?)”看到男子脸上的神色,贝拉感到了一丝不安。
“ho i Kao Fei''''er'''' favorite moel no?(现在考非儿最宠的模特是谁?)”男子突然问道。
“hy are you aking thi?(你问这个干嘛?)”贝拉不解的道。
“You jut o aner, I''''ll take care of everything ele!(你只要回答就好,其他的全都交给我了!)”男子道。
“It'''' Lu, hi favorite i Lu!(是璐,他最宠的是璐!)”