首页 > 玄幻奇幻 > 叶藏宰,但是名柯 > 第3章 《祭祀》

第3章 《祭祀》(2/3)

好书推荐: 我一不小心把末世杀穿了 鸣人的考试 王者荣耀之我是小兵 村孤,桃花仙医 谋杀自杀者 穿书之娶夫郎修仙记 末世求生:这世界有点猛 惹上渣男小舅舅,假千金她不装了 某时此地 规则怪谈:大佬别杀了,诡异不够用了啊!

priete in thi ritual.


Dree iricate vetment of a priete, I boar the palanquin boun for the temple uner my mother" aze. Before eparting, I follo the ol of the family ahe priete" bleing upon the unborn chil in my mother" omb.


The temple i built atop a mountain, an the palanquin top at the foot of the hill. With a evout heart, I a the tair leaing to the temple o a time.

The path i long, an the ceremonial robe feel egly heavy, yet I o he epecte earine.

From birth, I a taught to houler the reponibilitie of a priete.


Up the temple, I ee everyone brimming ith hope, tear elling in their eye. They retreat naturally behin me, igniting the le in my han. I uan that the path ahea i mine aloo trea, for no oher than the priete i alloe ihe temple.


The temple i ark; the oor open briefly bef again. Holing the only ource of light, I loly make my ay inie. I ear that no one ha ever entere here, for if they i, they oul ithe boren


书页 目录
新书推荐: 黑化后,我称霸三千大世界 魔本为尊 回村后,从绑定峨眉开始赶山 骑士与魔杖 十里芳菲 星武纪元 剑逆苍穹 道古真神 武逆九千界 我儿快拼爹