首页 > 都市言情 > 半岛:恋上国民初恋 > 第72章 《Boyfriend》

第72章 《Boyfriend》(1/5)

好书推荐: 修仙界第一留守儿童 重生东京黄金时代 修仙从娶妻开始 机动星河 银河最强机师 末日掉线 墨侠之大西宝藏 从一人开始朝九晚五 学姐带着我乱飞 我家怪兽已长成



伴随着《All around the world》的前奏响起,台下的粉丝们整齐划一的喊出了明俊赫的应援口号。


You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it

You're beautiful, beautiful, you should know it

I think it's time, think it's time that you show it

You're beautiful, beautiful

Baby what you doing? where you at? where you at?

Why you working so shy? hold it back, hold it back

We're not the only ones doing it like that, yeah, like that






All around the world, people want to be loved

All around the world, they' re no different than us

All around the world

All around the world

You're crazy girl, crazy girl, you should know it

You're crazy girl, crazy


书页 目录
新书推荐: 臭小子,下山祸害你未婚妻去吧 够野 温柔沉沦 如雪初晴 六边形男神 离婚后,女总裁老婆开始倒贴! 玄学姑奶奶下山卖符,全网争抢 重生不做舔狗后,校花前女友疯了 四合院的红火人生 不让我当偶像是吧?