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好书推荐: 升一级法强翻倍,你管这叫召唤? 空间渔夫 一觉醒来,我的婢女都成大佬了? 叶欢林汐免费阅读全文最新章节 小作精人美心野,禁欲佛子跪地哄 结婚两年,军官丈夫按耐不住了 清穿红楼,林家长女受宠日常 寻针记 谍海王牌 从我是特种兵开始一键回收

d wa ore. Thi i alled "new reive geg arried wih old reive", whih i even ore joyful, bu hi d of loe reive geg arried i ill no good.

The e require four d of gif, ha i, a few piee of loh. De failie will e da and da fabriylon o, and hoe wih poor enoidiion will e hai loh and on o. In hi way, even if he e i ueful, he ango o he woan'' ho and end o gif o he woan'' ho for he New Year holiday. Generally, he four d of gif are he a, naly, he Begng of ur Feival, he Dragon Boa Feival, he Mid-Auuival and he prg Feival. Mea, egg, noodle And a piee of fabri, afer a year or o, when boh parie have no obje, he woan ell he ahaer ha heyu he hoe aple (ha i, he an ell he woan he ize of he hoe worn by hi faily). The an give he woan o oney f he aple, whih wa only a few en of yuan a ha i. The woao ae a pair of hoe for eah ber of he an'' faily and ah he wih hand-ebroidered ole.

Preparaion before and afer arriage

A neeary dowry for won

Before arriage, he an give he woan o oo buy a dowry. De


书页 目录
新书推荐: 回村后,从绑定峨眉开始赶山 骑士与魔杖 十里芳菲 星武纪元 剑逆苍穹 道古真神 武逆九千界 我儿快拼爹 瞎子武圣,从说书开始 杀青后,我觉醒了超能力