Afer breafa, he oher people of he Yang faily wen o wor, oday He Yuzhu will go, hey do no go o wor alo have nohg o do, here i only a lile boy lefhe h don'' le He Yuzhu go.
Alhough he lile guy i ill young, bu alo now He Yuzhu good, realize He Yuzhui, heea a lo of deliio.
Heevehe g of he hildren, a group of hildren around hi, le hi feel high.
o when He Yuzhu wa gog o leave, he fel a if "he y had fallen", ha been noiy noiy no o le He Yuzhu go.
Yang ue fae a pe, ld aid: "all hird on, you are no ihg, alo quily le go of your pilr broher, or I will hi you.
I'' o of hree. One, o, hree."
When Yang ue uo hree, he hird on idiaely looened hi hand holdg He Yuzhu and ran away, loog ba fro i o i for fear ha Yang ue would ah up.
He Yuzhu wa hoed by hi e, he did no h of he er geion of i ier, ha enene "bor hu Dao han"be popurhe wor world.
I didn'' epe Yang ue o have uh a ide.
He Yuzhu'' eye le Yang ue'' fae bee a lo of ruddy, he i uallyfron of He