udeny ."
"Well, do any people now abou i?"
"Well, quie a lo, you now, hildren are very hildlie and hey ay everyhga group, and I uppoe i'' geg around now.
Moher Jia Terrier, hi i no a all aer, o be ed, he ipa he hild i no all, you ellwheher i i rue."
Qhuai Ru ebarraed o rub hi hand, he wa ebarraed o ay epor.
"Oh, ha'' no rue. Qiangbei i really naughyhe yard. Boy are alway naughy and oi hey have quarrel.
Ran Qiuye did no uand. I wa eiaed ha 80 or 90 per of he orie were rue, bu he wa a eaher and uld no ighe udenher .
"Well, don'' worry, Jia Terrier'' oher. Le Jia Terrier re a ho for a few day. I''ll ae you o he pripal a wih hi.
Ran Qiuye go up wih Qhuai Ru wen o he pripal'' offie.
Pripal Zhang aw Mi Ran ewih a woan and be he o i down. "Mi Ran, wha'' he aer?"
Ran Qiuye old he whole ory and aed he headaer wha o do.
Preiden Zhang ill ha o ipreion on he rod Terrier faily. Of ure, i i no a good ipreion. Every year, here i alway