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第1章 Praise for Power and Love(1/15)

好书推荐: 木叶:我在体内种神树 同时穿越万界的我,加入了聊天群 都市第一至尊 穿越之超级军阀 冠盖六宫 宗门内卷,师兄师姐都是主角模板 修仙勿扰!女配逆天改命中 遮天武神 碎玉逢尘 银河战争史略

"Adam's Solving Tough Problems helped me understand that all of our pressing problems-be they strategic issues inside a company or societal challenges like conflict, poverty, or climate change-require that those with a stake and the power to act come together in open dialogue to create a joint diagnosis and a deep commitment to moving forward together. In Power and Love, Adam goes further and deeper, into the kind of leadership that it takes to do this."

-Ravi Venkatesan, Chairman, Microsoft India

"It isn't either-or; it's both-and. In this deceptively brief and clearly written book, Adam Kahane takes us through his own learning process to a way of acting in and on the world that is both effective and caring. Intelligent, insightful, satisfying-and inspiring."

-Mary Catherine Bateson, author of Composing a Life and Willing to Learn

"Kahane is a master practitioner and thinker who knows the highs and lows of solving some of the toughest problems of social dis


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新书推荐: 长生蛊道:从自创水熊蛊开始 混沌川海 错嫁疯批老公后,我直接带球死遁 一不小心和竹马恋爱了 惊悚游戏:越作死竟然越强? 捡了个古代女侠为妻 高武:新婚第一天,奖励混沌神体 让你御兽,你叫灰太狼手搓机甲? 重生者太密集,真千金她不好惹 百老英雄儿女传